Virtual Religious Exploration
Religious Exploration for children takes place on Zoom. For a link and other information, contact Kelly Lownds,
Religious Exploration for children takes place on Zoom. For a link and other information, contact Kelly Lownds,
Voice teachers will tell students early on that the solo singers need to learn to stand out, while choral singers need to learn to blend. There’s a lesson here for being in a community that wants to be something greater than the sum of its parts. Special music will be provided by members of the Chalice Choir.
Links will be sent out for this event in Updates.
Just This Sangha meets virtually (via Zoom) nearly every Friday evening from 6:00 to 7:30 for silent meditation and sharing of our practice experience. From a Buddhist, particularly Zen, perspective, we focus on bringing practice to daily life; exploring letting go of our usual habitual reactivity and opening to our selves and others as we actually are. Not a drop-in group, we do welcome potentially new members to join us for a few sessions to see if the group is a good fit. Contact Tom Tanguay at for more information.
We will continue scheduling weekly ½ hour vigils on Saturday mornings from 11:30 to 12:00 noon. In addition, we will be offering training to help us respond to folks with strong opinions. If you are interested in standing with us but would like the training first, please add your name, but put an X in the first column. Sign up for training and/or the vigil by visiting
Religious Exploration for children takes place on Zoom. For a link and other information, contact Kelly Lownds,
Who was, or is, your fictional hero? Our current blockbuster movie pre-occupation with comic book characters features these icons laden with flaws. In fact, throughout human history we have humanized our mythic archetypes with great and often tragic imperfections. And yet, they are still our heroes. Special music will be provided by Owen Kidd. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 941 0489 1467
Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.