

Welcome to April

“Over my head, I hear music in the air…There must be a God somewhere.” This African American spiritual is one of my favorites, dating back somewhere between 1750 and 1875. It is set as a five verse “zipper” song in hymn #30 in our grey hymnal, Singing the Living Tradition. The verses tell the story: I hear music; I hear singing; I see trouble; I feel gladness; I see angels. Indeed, music is happening in the air these days with plenty of birdsong coming from the sky and bushes. I listen to the dialogues of our feathered friends, and the

Religious Exploration in April

Classes:  An Amazing Journey, On the Road Again We are on a pilgrimage of faith, exploring how Unitarian Universalism translates into life choices and everyday action. Has your child completed any activity that aligns with our seven principles?  Please be sure to come downstairs in the Parish Hall and add the activity to our path. We meet weekly on a virtual platform at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.  Snack and Play:  On April 2, volunteers are welcome to help RE work on crafts on the lawn.  We will be present from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and will offer a peace pinwheel

Guidelines for Sunday Services in the Sanctuary

All those who are fully vaccinated are welcome to attend our Sunday services in person.  We’re doing all we can to ensure the safety of those who attend: Masks are required in the church building, except for those who are speaking from the platform. All are expected to observe proper distancing of at least three feet. Windows will be kept open slightly to enhance ventilation. Entry will be by the front door and the downstairs parish hall door only.  The Nickerson Street door will be kept closed. With these precautions, we hope to enjoy one other’s presence in experiencing worship

Thank You!

Thanks to Tanya T. for offering a Felting Workshop through the Service Auction.  These were our creations and inspiration: Andrea Priest

Vigil for Ukraine

Saturday, March 26 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Middleboro Town Hall Lawn There will be a vigil for Ukraine on Saturday, March 26, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on the Middleboro Town Hall Lawn. Please, feel free to pass this information on. All are WELCOME!

Lessons from Ukraine

One of my favorite Broadway shows growing up was “South Pacific.”  When Nellie belted out her soul-defining song “Cockeyed Optimist,” I wanted to jump up and shout “Take That, Life!” 

Music Musings

Welcome to March: month of wind and women. I’m not sure where that takes us. Historically, March has always been windy, just as women have struggled to be recognized as serious musicians and composers. I’ve been doing a lot of cooking and practicing and pondering “music as cooking.”

Religious Exploration

MAGIC MARCH! We have been discussing magic as a pagan spiritual practice that combines energy, focus, and intention to effect positive change. We would like to involve the congregation in spreading magic in our local community by practicing random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty by proclaiming our own Magic Month in March.  These ideas may help you choose an action for your family to do: Leave flowers on someone’s doorstep. Send thank-you cards to local librarians, firefighters, or teachers. Thank and compliment a grocery clerk or restaurant server. Take up pottery and make gifts for others. Write a

Covid Guidelines Update

February 28, 2022 We’ve been watching the trends carefully and have determined that given the current state, we’re prepared to begin opening the sanctuary on Sundays for a limited number of individuals to attend Sunday services.  Starting on March 6, we’ll have 12 sections designated for units of up to four individuals (families, couples, friends who are comfortable sitting together).  All individuals must be fully vaccinated, wear a mask while in the Church building, sign in upon entry attesting to vaccination status, and stay properly distanced from others.  There won’t be any singing by attendees, but humming will be welcome. 

We Need You!

FUUSM needs a few good recruits to join our Tech Team! From the beginning, it has been our goal to always provide real time remote access to our Sunday services and special events. With impending vacancies both short and long term, we need to bolster the ranks of Tech Team stars able to commit to one or two Sundays a month staffing the equipment.  No prior experience is necessary! Throughout the evolution of our remote access development, ease of use has always been a driving factor. While some computer skills would be helpful, they are not necessary. We will gladly