

Please contact: Kelly Lownds, Director of Religious Religious Exploration Committee:Christine Hoyle, Chair; Kelly Lownds; Greg Stevens; Nancy Kidd

Religious Exploration

MAGIC MARCH! We have been discussing magic as a pagan spiritual practice that combines energy, focus, and intention to effect positive change. We would like to involve the congregation in spreading magic in our local community by practicing random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty by proclaiming our own Magic Month in March.  These ideas may help you choose an action for your family to do: Leave flowers on someone’s doorstep. Send thank-you cards to local librarians, firefighters, or teachers. Thank and compliment a grocery clerk or restaurant server. Take up pottery and make gifts for others. Write a

We meet weekly on a virtual platform at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.  We are following our faithful footprints.  The children have handouts from the curriculum and are coloring in trees, signs and feet for our path through the church.  Information about family time ideas is being provided, and we have had a great start to our church school year.   The curriculum we are working on has started us on a pilgrimage of faith, exploring how Unitarian Universalism translates into life choices and everyday action.  We have already filled out a couple of our footprints with our deeds of the