

Religious Exploration in February

RE CommitteeChristine Hoyle and I met on 1/18/2023 to discuss budget, goals for the upcoming year and how to grow the RE Committee and the RE program. We concentrated on the LGBTQIA group for youth and adults we would like to host at church on one Friday evening per month. We are also considering bringing in speakers for youth issues like vaping, substance abuse, interpersonal relationship violence, neurodiversity, special education, and additional topics.   If you are interested in joining the RE Committee, we are looking for volunteers.  Please reach out to me or Christine Hoyle at or RE Children’s ClassesWe

Religious Exploration in January

RE Committee – We met together in person with Reverend Peter Connolly and multiple RE parents on 12/7/2022.  The next meeting in January will be virtual.  Invitations will go out in the UU Updates and via email.   RE Children’s Classes – This year RE is Exploring Beyond Our Walls using the moral tales curriculum.  The children have collected many marbles/glass gems for their gemstones of goodness.  The children continue to share stories of their efforts to follow their moral compass.   Ed Priest joined us on 12/18 to sing holiday songs and share his experiences. Youth Group – In December youth group met after

Religious Exploration in December

Religious Exploration in January RE CommitteeWe met together in person with Reverend Peter Connolly and multiple RE parents on 12/7/2022.  The next meeting in January will be virtual.  Invitations will go out in the UU Updates and via email.   RE Children’s ClassesThis year RE is Exploring Beyond Our Walls using the moral tales curriculum.  The children have collected many marbles/glass gems for their gemstones of goodness.  The children continue to share stories of their efforts to follow their moral compass.   Ed Priest joined us on 12/18 to sing holiday songs and share his experiences.  Youth GroupIn December youth group

Religious Exploration

RE CommitteeWe will meet Tuesday evening, November 1, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parlor.  Our meeting will be in person, and there will be a link for those that need to join virtually.  We are discussing bringing back the sale of Equal Exchange, as the children used to sell it during Coffee Hour once a month.   RE Children’s ClassesOur theme this year is “Exploring Beyond Our Walls,” and we are using the moral tales curriculum to support our exploration.  We have done a nature walk (we found the cutest pumpkin in the compost out back) and looked for bugs.  We are

Religious Exploration

Welcome Back Everyone!  Sunday School is back in person this year!! Church starts at 10:30, and we will be meeting during the church service and head downstairs after the Message for All Ages around 10:45.  Registration is rolling and can be completed at any time. Religious Exploration:  This year we are Exploring Beyond Our Walls.   Every day our children are often faced with difficult decisions and situations.  We have agreed as a group to really try to understand and learn our Seven Principles, and through the year we will be collecting gems that will represent our learnings through moral tales. 

Religious Exploration

Welcome Back Everyone! Sunday School is back in person this year!! Church starts at 10:30, and we will be meeting during the church service. We head downstairs after the Message for All Ages around10:45. We will have registration on 9/11/2022, and our first class will be on 9/18/2022. Our older youth will meet on Sunday evenings every other week. More to come on this!

Religious Exploration

Thank you to everyone who made this year a success! I love being the Director of Religious Exploration, and I’m excited to announce that we rocked it this year!. I'm extremely grateful to everyone who contributed inside and outside the classroom. We were successful in having weekly Sunday School virtually, and by the end of the year we were able to consistently meet together in person. What will next year bring?  We will see, but we are all optimistic that it will be mostly in person. 

Religious Exploration

We are wrapping up our pilgrimage of faith. We have explored how Unitarian Universalist translates into life choices and every action. Our lessons will culminate at the youth service on June 12.

Religious Exploration

May 2022 Sunday School Classes: An Amazing Journey, On the Road Again We are continuing on a pilgrimage of faith, exploring how Unitarian Universalism translates into life choices and everyday action. Our lessons will culminate at the youth service on June 12.  Has your child completed any activity that aligns with our seven principles?  Please be sure to come downstairs in the Parish Hall and add the activity to our path. We meet weekly at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.  Snack and PlayWe had multiple families visit our craft table and enjoy time relaxing and crafting.  Thank you to Leslie Sorrento

Religious Exploration in April

Classes:  An Amazing Journey, On the Road Again We are on a pilgrimage of faith, exploring how Unitarian Universalism translates into life choices and everyday action. Has your child completed any activity that aligns with our seven principles?  Please be sure to come downstairs in the Parish Hall and add the activity to our path. We meet weekly on a virtual platform at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.  Snack and Play:  On April 2, volunteers are welcome to help RE work on crafts on the lawn.  We will be present from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and will offer a peace pinwheel