Greetings! As part of the process of finding a new minister, the Ministerial Search Committee has created a Congregational Survey. The purpose of the survey is twofold: firstly, it give members of the congregation an initial opportunity to give feedback on what they most value about our church and what we are looking for in a new minister, and secondly to help the Ministerial Search Committee paint an accurate picture of our congregation so that prospective ministers can have a sense of who we are.  

The survey is completely anonymous and should only take about 15 minutes to complete. We would like to have all the surveys finalized by the end of the day on Sunday, October 1, so we can begin the process of reviewing and compiling the results. We will then present our findings during the upcoming Cottage Meetings and give members of the congregation an opportunity to discuss the results and give additional feedback. 

The link to the survey is here: Congregational Survey

If anyone needs assistance completing the survey, members of the Ministerial Search Committee will make themselves available with a laptop after Sunday services on September 17 and 24 and October 1.

Thank you!

Adrian Gunn
Ministerial Search Committee Member