by Susan Hotchkiss

At last! We are entering a slower time of the year, a time of moving inside, inside our homes, inside ourselves. Winter in New England has some real advantages. With more time available, I have a chance to look at some new “stuff”—not for performance, just for the quiet growth that comes from a fresh focus. Who knows, it may become something to share later!

On January 6, we can enjoy a “Winter Festival of Song and Soup” with a show featuring music and drama in the spirit of the Renaissance, performed by the Falmouth-based Solstice Singers and members of Ensemble Passacaglia. This family-friendly show is followed by hearty soups and desserts. Check out the church website ( for tickets. Don’t miss this!

Upcoming music events include a Springtime Jazz Concert in early April featuring Stan Strickland and our former music director Jeannie Gagné. Later in the month, we will have a fabulous fundraiser called “Springtime Gala and Tapas Galore,” coordinated by Tony Soares and Dorine Levasseur. 

Meanwhile, the Chalice Choir is taking a little hiatus. We will return to sing in worship services every other week starting January 14 through June 16. 

Let’s sing in the New Year!

            Susan Hotchkiss, Director of Music