Rev. Sarah Person

Minister’s Meditation

Welcome to another September of the pandemic. We are not out of the woods yet. But it seems like we have a better idea of where we are going and what we have to do. This year, our staff and I will focus worship on the idea of Journey – the distances we have crossed to
come to terms with the new and newly discovered realities we face.

We are still juggling priorities; can we be as inclusive as possible and remain as safe as possible? That is why, with your generosity, we are embarking on a multi-platform ministry that will provide for both remote and in-person participation in worship and, hopefully, in social activities. It will be a matter of equipment, logistics, and volunteerism. Our tech team is selecting a computer that will help us expand our use of our camera and sound system. We have restored our chancel ceiling and will improve our lighting system. The plan is to be
cleaned up and ready by September 12. Blessings to you all, and I look forward to starting the new church year with you.

Rev. Sarah

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