man in brown leather jacket using binoculars


The process has advantages for us in addition to improving our chances of finding a minister.  We are planning to use the process of “contract to call.”  In this process, the Search Committee provides an application to candidates and interviews and reviews applications of any ministers who apply. The committee makes its recommendation to the PC, and if the PC finds the candidate acceptable, the PC negotiates a contract and hires the minister. 

After the minister has served one or two years and we know each other well, we can then call him/her to be our settled minister. This is when the congregation votes to call the minister. This gives us a chance to really know who we are calling to be our settled minister.  If things have not worked out well, we can again search for a contract minister without going through the painful process of terminating a settled minister.  I am optimistic that we will succeed using this process.                               

Jim Bonnar, Search Committee Chair