
First UU Church of Middleboro building exterior


Upcoming Worship Services

Songs of the Earth, Sky, and Light
10:30 am

Marybeth Truran presenting

What do the cry of the osprey, the call of the whale, and the human heartbeat have in common? More than 100 lightning strikes resonate through the earth’s atmosphere every second. Mycelia form vast networks of communication via streams of chemical and electrical impulses. Certain plants recognize their kin and vibrate auditory signals of distress. Our planet is a place of wonder, unfolding mystery, and intelligence. Yet it is imperiled by our human actions. Is there a way to find inspiration, perhaps even joy or hope, by listening more closely to the songs of the earth? How can a better understanding of sound, vibration and the possibility of change lead us forward?   The Chalice Choir will be singing.

Marybeth Truran is a Jungian depth psychotherapist, with a practice in Bourne, MA. She is passionate about ecopsychology, sound therapy, and understanding the human psyche. She finds solace and inspiration from living by the ocean and is just a tiny bit obsessed with sailing.

The Heart of Belonging
10:30 am

Rev. Beau Rivers preaching

Research has shown a sense of belonging is essential to our physical, emotional,
and spiritual wellbeing. How does belonging differ from fitting in?
What does it mean to belong in spiritual community
as Unitarian Universalists?

Music for this service is provided by Bet Giddings, pianist and vocalist.


Name Tags

Name Tags

Name tags help us all to get to know one another.  If you need a name tag, or would like to get a refresh, please contact  If you know what you want, just email your name, a picture, quote or other desired info. A symbol of importance to you, a favorite flower, pet, theme (sports; music…) may be specified. If you would like more info about the possibilities, email John with your questions.  Thanks!”

The Elsie Gaudette Award 2024

The Elsie Gaudette Award 2024

Presented by Linda Thompson on June 16, 2024

The Elsie Gaudette Award has been well written about and included in the website with its history and pictures.  Elsie was a human dynamo of energy, dedicated to serving this church in any and every way she could.

Members Needed for the Worship Committee

Members Needed for the Worship Committee

We are very much in need of at least one other member for the Worship Committee. We meet with the minister once a month to plan replacements in the pulpit when she is not here. We also make sure there is a Worship Associate for each Sunday service. Val O. sends out the Opening Words and instructions for the Worship Associate, and the Opening Words are also on the podium.

Register for Religious Exploration

Register for Religious Exploration

Please plan to join us this fall! Registration is recommended, but not required for your children to attend classes. We use the registration to help us understand the children in class, their needs and any allergies they may bring.