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Religious Exploration in February

RE Committee
Christine Hoyle and I met on 1/18/2023 to discuss budget, goals for the upcoming year and how to grow the RE Committee and the RE program. We concentrated on the LGBTQIA group for youth and adults we would like to host at church on one Friday evening per month. We are also considering bringing in speakers for youth issues like vaping, substance abuse, interpersonal relationship violence, neurodiversity, special education, and additional topics.   If you are interested in joining the RE Committee, we are looking for volunteers.  Please reach out to me or Christine Hoyle at or

RE Children’s Classes
We have had  the same three youth coming each week and a babysitter available in the nursery.  The youth come relatively regularly and enjoy time of sharing one another’s favorite play time and then lighting the chalice, sharing joys and concerns and then working through curriculum.  This year RE is “Exploring Beyond Our Walls” using the moral tales curriculum.  The children have collected many marbles/glass gems for their gemstones of goodness.  The children continue to share stories of their efforts to follow their moral compass.   Christine Hoyle taught class on 1/8/2023, and we are working on having a backup adult for the nursery to support the babysitter as needed.  Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering to support the nursery care.

Youth Group
Youth Group shared time with the little ones on 1/16/2023 for holiday cooking.  We had to cancel due to multiple illnesses and then were able to make the 3rd effort the charm!  We met again on January 29.   In February  we are meeting on the 2nd and 4th Sundays from 5:00 to 7:00.  This group has children from 6ththrough 12th grade.  

LGBTQ+ Youth Support Group/GSA
We had a good level of interest in a potential support group for youth and parents and allies.  Christine Hoyle and I are working on a time and date for February or March (the 17th  either month) to advertise to the interested parties–some from inside and some from outside church.

Fun Friday
RE families (and any interested parties, friends) are invited to join us on Friday, February 3, for a fun night of crafting and cooking and visiting.  From 5:30 to 6:30 we will have a potluck dinner.  This is optional, but I’m bringing my famous chicken chili so……. Then from 6:30 to 8:30 we will be making gifts for Valentine’s Day.  You can take the gifts home to share with someone you love or enjoy them yourselves.  Please let me know if you can join us!  Kelly Lownds, Director of Religious Exploration

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