by Susan Hotchkiss

There’s excitement in the air as we start the whirling and twirling of a new church year! The Chalice Choir has already started rehearsals (August 29), the Music Committee is cranking into full gear (September 6), new music has been ordered, and plans are well underway for a great year ahead, full of variety and opportunity to make music together. This is good!

For the church and larger community, we are offering a special one-hour drumming workshop on Sunday, October 1 at 3:00 p.m. The facilitator/teacher is Sam Holmstock who is well known through Cape Cod drum circles as well as through his work with Drum Strategies for Healing. Sam teaches a hybrid technique that combines African and AfroCuban styles. You do not need to bring your own drum, but you will need to register because the class size will be limited.

We are also planning a grand fall concert on Sunday, November 19, at 3:00 p.m. This concert is in honor of Avis Clay and her family’s generous memorial gift to renovate the Parlor and provide an endowment fund for UU Middleboro music. We are VERY appreciative of this gift.


  • The Music Committee meets by ZOOM the second Wednesday of each month.
  • The Song Circle meets in the Parish Hall the second Friday of each month.

Sing soon, sing often, just sing! 

Susan Hotchkiss, Director of Music