by Susan Hotchkiss

Music Sunday on May 19 was a highlight of the church year involving a cast of 25 singers, speakers, and instrumentalists: piano, organ, flutes, hammered dulcimer, guitar, keyboard and xylophone. So many talented people making such splendid music in our lovely Sanctuary! My heartfelt thanks to all who participated, including the congregation who came out in full force.

We have just three worship services in June before we close out the formal church year. The Music Committee will have its final meeting on June 5 when we review where we’ve been and plan forward for Fall and the upcoming church year. All are welcome! This meeting is held by Zoom – If you are not on the Music Committee, please contact me for the link. 

A few dates for our music calendars:

  • Tuesday, June 11 – Last choir rehearsal this season
  • Sunday, June 16 – Last choir-Sunday this season
  • Saturday, August 24 – Choir party at Valerie Fontaine’s
  • Sunday, August 25 – raincheck for choir party  
  • Tuesday, August 27 – Weekly choir rehearsals start 
  • Sunday, September 8 – Ingathering!

Happy Summertime,

Susan Hotchkiss, Music Director

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