Flaming chalice in copper

Updated Covid Safety Policy

Adopted 8/17/22

We seek to be a community that is inclusive, hospitable, and safe for all people. To this end, our Parish Committee has adopted the following COVID safety protocols.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has developed a system of Green, Yellow, and Orange Community Levels based on hospitalization rates, hospital burden, and case rates. We will rely on the CDC’s Level for Plymouth County in adjusting our COVID safety protocols. You can check the current level for any U.S. county using this tool from the CDC:

Leaders of programs that pose special risks because of the vulnerability of participants may adopt stricter rules than those listed below. The Parish Committee President may also impose stricter protocols for the whole Church until the Parish Committee can meet to revise these policies.

CDC Community Risk LevelGeneral ProvisionsSpecific Choir Provisions

Masks are optional, but always acceptable and welcome.

Church activities and building use may proceed with reasonable precautions for public health.

Anyone experiencing virus symptoms or with known exposure is asked to worship with us online and refrain from other building use.

Masks are optional.

Masks are required at worship services.

Masks are required for other indoor group events when social distancing of three feet or more is not possible (generally more than 40 people in the Sanctuary or more than 25 people in the Parish Hall).

Worship or program leaders may unmask when speaking or singing.

Anyone experiencing virus symptoms or with known exposure is asked to worship with us online and refrain from other building use.

Masks are required for rehearsals.

Masks are optional when performing.


Masks are required for all building use.

Anyone experiencing virus symptoms or with known exposure is asked to worship with us online and refrain from other building use.

Masks are always required.

We encourage everyone to keep up to date with the COVID vaccinations for which they are eligible, to stay home if they are experiencing virus symptoms, and to wear masks whenever that might protect themselves or others.

The Parish Committee
