You are invited to create a personal page with your photo and brief text for the welcome book for our new minister, Rev. Beau Rivers! She is arriving on August 1 and will lead her first worship service at Ingathering on Sunday, Sept. 8. She brings so many talents and rich experiences; we are excited to meet her!

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Here’s how to create your page for Rev. Beau’s welcome book:

  1. Choose a fairly current photograph of yourself, either digital or printed.
  2. Write a little bit about yourself:
    • any special jobs or positions you hold in the congregation;
    • brief personal, family and/or professional information about yourself;
    • your special interests and hobbies;
    • whatever you feel might introduce yourself to our new minister.
  3. Include your contact information: name, phone number, email, and address.

We would like to collect your page sometime during the summer. You may email it to us or pass it along as a printed page during the summer services. Let us know if you’d like some assistance.

We would love to have the completed book ready to present to Rev. Beau at our Ingathering Service on Sunday, September 8, so please submit your page by Wednesday, Sept. 4. What a wonderful way to welcome her!

Thank you so much.

Vi Fairweather, Parish Committee ~, 774-226-5520
Bet Giddings, Public Relations Committee ~, 508-789-3646