We are writing postcards to registered voters in districts that have low voting rates and have historically been disenfranchised. We’re using a tested script, so it’s easy, no creativity required (though we’re encouraged to use colored pens, if we want, to enliven our handwritten cards).

Currently we are writing cards to Georgia in time for their May 21 primary. The goal is to establish a habit of voting and also to give voters time to resolve any issues they may encounter with required voter i.d. cards, or other obstacles to their voting, before November. We are working with the experienced nonpartisan organization Workers Circle with whom many other UU congregations are also partnering to create Democracy Circles this year.

We have already written over half of the 500 postcards we signed up to do. But our hands and brains are tired, and we would love to see some new faces.

The next postcarding sessions will be Thursday, April 18, 4-6; Monday, April 22, 2-4; and Thursday, April 25, 4-6. Can you join us at these times? You can sign out some cards from Lois Aldrich, with complete instructions, to write at home. She will need them back on or before Sunday, April 28.

Can’t write postcards at all? Can you contribute postcard stamps (no flags, please)? There’s a pink basket for them on the Parlor table, or you can contribute money so we may purchase stamps.

Many thanks to those who’ve already been involved in any way in this postcarding effort.