UU Middleboro
A Church that Puts Love at the Very Center of Our Life Together
Our mission: To create and sustain a welcoming and caring community that embodies our UU principles, inspires spiritual growth without dogma or creed, and promotes and serves racial and social justice.
Beyond the Ballot Box
Rev. Beau Rivers preaching
In uncertain times it is important to remind ourselves, only love can conquer hate and the work of citizenship continues long after the end of an election. Special music will be provided by Tony Soares.
If you are looking for a spiritual home, come in and experience our open minds, open hearts, and open doors. For over 125 years, the First Unitarian Universalist Society has been serving individuals and families in Middleboro and surrounding towns with great music, meaningful and thought-provoking sermons, and opportunities to give back. We are committed to spiritual growth and lifelong learning with religious exploration that promotes creativity, integrity, and compassion. We work together to build a world that is more loving and more just for all people.
Holiday Wreath-Making Workshop
Please join us for a fun and creative HOLIDAY WREATH-MAKING WORKSHOP on Saturday, December 7 at 10:00 am in the Parish Hall, led by Juli Gould and Nancy Backus. $30 (cash or check) covers all materials, but if you have hand clippers, wire cutters, or a wreath base, please bring them.
Thank You!
Thank you to all who helped with the Outdoor Cleanup Work Party on October 22. We had beautiful weather, and many hands helped the cleanup to go smoothly. We have already used the space for our Halloween Bonfire. We appreciate the hard work and effort to clean this parcel of land so we can use it for outdoor activities. Well done! Photos by Kelly Lownds
Samhain Ritual on October 28
Spirits ran high on Monday night as CUUPS celebrated the ritual of Samhain. We circled around an altar set with autumn leaves, marigolds, crows, glowing candles and mementos of our beloved dead.
4th Annual UU Road Rally deemed a great success!
On Saturday, October 19 the UU held its 4th Annual Road Rally. On a beautiful, sunny and warm day, 10 teams completed a 28 mile course, driving through the splendor of Middleboro and Lakeville fall foliage. Congratulations to the trophy/medal winners!
Song Circle
We hope you will join us for this fun night of music, sponsored by the Church and open to the public! We start at 6:00 p.m. with a potluck of hearty snacks in the Parish Hall, so bring along a favorite treat to share. A circle of chairs will be set up along with a portable keyboard, and we will provide some percussion instruments.
Full Moon Meditation on Zoom
Holiday Craft Fair – Help Wanted
We will be hosting a Holiday Craft Fair in the Parish Hall, chaired by Dorine Levasseur and Holly Begley. There will be a selection of home baked goods, soups, jams and jellies as well as a variety of crafts.
Upcoming events
Current news posts
The Glory of Autumn
Rev. Beau Rivers
Autumn is such a magical time when the
trees beckon me to come outside and play.
Inviting me to dance with the leaves
as they fall gracefully from the trees…
Breathing in the musk of Autumn soil
I fling my arms wide with face to the sky and
twirl amid the swirl of leaves about my feet.
Feasting my eyes upon their radiant colors,
Each tree blazes against the azure sky.
I pause to bask in their brilliance as they
rival the sun, even on the darkest of days.
Each leaf is like the last kiss of summer…
Creating a blanket of leaves to keep me
warm beneath the downy snow of winter.
Cottage Meetings Stimulate Ideas and Understanding
Cottage meetings are small gatherings of church members with our new minister, Rev. Beau Rivers. Ten cottage meetings are being held in October and early November as a way for Rev. Beau and the members to get to know each other. The meetings so far have fulfilled that expectation. Rev. Beau sparks the discussion with three simple but far-reaching questions: What excites you about church? What feeds your spirit? What are you passionate about? The answers from the participants give the Parish Committee (PC) a deeper understanding of the many reasons people find value in belonging to our church community. The discussions have also generated dozens of suggestions for things we can do together to enrich our experience and make the world better.
What a glorious season, crisp and colorful! Our fall music program reflects this enthusiasm. Read on…
The featured music event in November is a vocal workshop led by Jeannie Gagné, our former music director and wonderful jazz singer. The workshop will be held on Saturday afternoon, November 9, at 2:00. Please register with me.
We have a small group of Beta-Testers for the new Virtual Hymnal scheduled for release at General Assembly in July. All our comments and suggestions are due at the end of November. This is an ambitious project designed for today’s world of computers and will augment (by subscription) our current hymnals.
We care about the interdependent web of life and taking care of one another.
At UU Middleboro we strive to create a program that allows our children to explore their ideas and faith in a safe and nurturing environment. We have been going on nature walks, learning in the curriculum about nature, the earth and our role in sustainability as well as looking at ourselves and the world and where we fit.
Jeff Stevens primes the coffee maker each Sunday and helps to make the coffee. The church buys the needed coffee. What do we need? Coffee Hour Hosts – Please Read More to sign up online. Val will email you instructions, and there are many hands around to help as needed.