

Some good environmental news from Kingston: 

At Kingston’s Town Meeting on April 29, voters approved a bylaw protecting trees, and thereby, water quality and many other aspects of a healthy ecosystem. They added a section called “Land Clearing, Grading and Protection of Trees Bylaw” to Kingston’s General Bylaws.

Fundraiser Updates

Thank you to everyone who participated in and supported our Yard Sale and Spring Auction.  The total take for the Yard Sale was $880 and the Spring Auction was $5682!  A great big thanks to Tony Soares, Stephen Larrett, Andrea Priest, and others who helped organize, set up & break down, contributed items, purchased items.  We do amazing things together, and so many hands helped contribute to our success!

Office of the Inspector General Investigating Sand and Gravel Industry in Southeastern Massachusetts 

The following relates to the current practice by large historically cranberry-growing enterprises of strip-mining coastal pine barrens tor sand and gravel on a huge scale and claiming agricultural exemption from environmentally protective earth-removal and conservation regulations, although the planned end uses of the land are not agricultural. It relates also to the need to find balance between the needs of fragile ecosystems including southeastern Massachusetts’ sole-source drinking-water aquifer, and the need to site solar-power arrays.

Pledge Drive

Our pledge drive ended last week. We are $13,000 short of our goal. On hearing this, one family decided to increase their pledge by $1,000. They suggested that others might like to increase their pledges as well. This would be very helpful as we are trying to keep our salaries in the UUA’s  fair compensation recommendations as we begin the search for our new settled minister.  In addition, Rev. Peter has been researching ways to grow our congregation.  He recommends we hire a social media helper.

God’s Fool – Sermon on April 30

If you would like to view the text from Rev. Peter Connolly’s sermon on April 30, God’s Fool, you may click here. Unfortunately, the YouTube stream was interrupted just as Rev. Connolly began his sermon.

Encore of Forum on Your Voice, Your Rights: Court Services Assistance on Zoom

Sponsored by Brockton Area Branch NAACP’s Legal Redress Committee.  This was held live on March 25 and was reportedly excellent, with information from several attorneys. Date to be determined. Check for it on their new website: https://www.naacp-brocktonbranch.org.

Cash in the Plate for May

The Cash in the Plate for the month of May is donated to The Trevor Project. The mission of The Trevor Project is to end suicide among LGBTQ+ youth and to build a safer, more-inclusive world. 

What Do We Mean When We Say God? Reading Group

Rev. Connolly will be offering a reading and discussion group on Sundays and Wednesdays at 12:15 pm. starting on May 21 and running for five weeks. 

Class size is limited to 9 to facilitate meaningful discussion.   Sign-up sheets are on the Parlor table or online: Reading Group - Google Docs.

Spring Auction 2023

We're coming down to the final hours of our Spring Auction!  Bidding closes at 8:00 pm on Friday so don't delay  We have a number of wonderful offerings from our very generous donors, including events, services, and goods. 

A Note from the Minister

I write this note from Paris on the 26th day of April, the day following the memorial service for my brother John who died on the first of the month.  “Peace be unto him,” as we used to say as young Catholics.