

Fill the Shelves

Riverhouse Restaurant Fundraiser (21+) $100 donation includes Patio seating, finger foods, games, Margarita, sangria, or beer flight. Help the fight against hunger in Taunton.

A Note from the Minister

On St. Patrick’s Day, two days after our last snowfall, the yard in front of the house where I live was suddenly alive with color: purple, white, yellow, blue– the crocuses seemed to have blossomed spontaneously and indiscriminately.  In between the blossoms, here and there, were snowdrops, delicate blooms with demurely nodding heads.  Spring had arrived.  I’m still waiting for my first glimpse of forsythia, which should occur just around the time the daffodils bounce their jaunty heads in the wind.  Maybe your daffodils have arrived by the time you’re reading this.  If past years are a reliable indicator, the passing of the daffodils will

April Music Musings

The herring are running, buds pepper the trees, tulips and daffodils are coming up—It must be spring! And what better way to welcome April than “Jazz Sunday” with Jeannie Gagné and Stan Strickland. Their April 2 worship service is titled “Let’s Grow a Garden” and features jazz standards and originals woven into a service sure to lift your spirits.

Religious Exploration in April

In April as we Explore Beyond our Walls we will present a historical Islamic tale, a story about parachuting cats in Borneo, and a Native American folktale.  These will teach us about generosity, caring for the Earth, and empathy.  We are hoping to start a special project for the end-of-the-year "gifts of thanks" that will relate to our Gems of Goodness and lessons from Moral Tales.

Spring Auction 2023

This spring we're organizing an on-line auction featuring a variety of goods, services, and events.  It's a great chance to connect with Church friends and have some fun throughout the summer!

Cash in the Plate for April

The Cash in the Plate for the month of April is donated to the South Shore Resource and Advocacy Center. The SSRAC is a nonprofit, community-based domestic violence program that has been assisting survivors of domestic violence and their families for more than 40 years.

Sunday Morning Greeters Still Needed in April

Our congregation is known for its welcoming spirit. A strong greeter program will help us grow and strengthen our membership.  Please sign up here to be a Greeter on April 23 or April 30, or use the sign-up sheet on the Parlor table.  Thank you.

Workshop – Creating Fun and Beautiful Vases

with Tanya Trzeciak

Turn ordinary vases or bottles into works of art by using a technique that mimics mercury glass.  It is very simple and easy to do.

Friday, March 31, in the Parish Hall
6:00 p.m. Potluck Supper
7:00 p.m. Workshop

Discretionary Fund Disbursals:

Funds have been disbursed to members of the Greater Middleboro community to pay for food, back rent, emergency housing, household expenses, utilities, gas for automobiles, and auto insurance. 

Parlor Project

Tom Carter has submitted a bid of $475 to reduce the size of the altar in the Parlor. The Task force has recommended this project and approves of the bid.