Thanks to all for a great Valentine’s Day lasagna fundraiser. We raised over $700.00! It takes many hands, including Dorine L. who helped with planning and prepping, 6 shoppers (who donated all ingredients), 4 prep helpers and 3 helpers on sale day. Three volunteers made yummy desserts. Thanks to the Council on Aging for their bountiful donation of bread. And, of course, thank you to our shoppers for their purchases. We sold over 28 orders, and the winner is Bet Giddings who served dinner to the entire family. Thanks to Bob W. for publicity, and always a big thanks to
The Rev. Sue Phillips was the first Regional Lead for the UUA’s brand-new New England Region. An experienced minister and administrator, Phillips offered training in organizing and offering lay pastoral care. She would open by reminding us that “Caring for one another is a primary expression of Unitarian Universalist theology. Caring for one another is a foundational ministry of every congregation.” ‘Community’ means being cared for and caring for others, and that means belonging. We make meaning in our relationships. I think caring for one another is the ultimate expression, the core, of what we mean by shared ministry. There are three parts to caring ministry; the
We meet weekly on a virtual platform at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. We are following our faithful footprints. The children have handouts from the curriculum and are coloring in trees, signs and feet for our path through the church. Information about family time ideas is being provided, and we have had a great start to our church school year. The curriculum we are working on has started us on a pilgrimage of faith, exploring how Unitarian Universalism translates into life choices and everyday action. We have already filled out a couple of our footprints with our deeds of the
Get ready for a special treat on Saturday evening, November 6, at 7:30 when we host “A Concert of Negro Spirituals and Art Songs” by bass-baritone Oral Moses and pianist Jakari Rush. This concert is part of a tour funded through the Massachusetts Cultural Council that has been postponed twice due to the Covid pandemic. We are delighted to be able to offer the concert virtually, filmed live from our Sanctuary. The Zoom link will be available Friday, November 5, on the church website. Our church musicians, singers as well as instrumentalists, are practicing hard to share music on Sunday mornings.
Every Sunday morning, while the musicians and the tech team are settling preparations, I light the altar candles and offer a silent prayer from Psalm 19. In Hebrew scripture, it translates as “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” In my heart, it often translates as “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable to you, source of my strength and direction of love.” It centers me on what will happen next. Sunday morning is all about
Our music program at UU Middleboro is officially launched. Singers and instrumentalists are doing what we love best – practicing, exploring new music, enjoying pieces we’ve done before, rehearsing in ensembles, and sharing with the congregation. It’s a joyful thing to be performing live again. When we perform live, we are creating an experience in real time. It’s never perfect, but that’s not the point. We perform as a part of a worship happening, moving back and forth between spoken word and song, weaving a rich experience that none of us can achieve alone. This is very different than recording
Welcome to another September of the pandemic. We are not out of the woods yet. But it seems like we have a better idea of where we are going and what we have to do. This year, our staff and I will focus worship on the idea of Journey – the distances we have crossed tocome to terms with the new and newly discovered realities we face. We are still juggling priorities; can we be as inclusive as possible and remain as safe as possible? That is why, with your generosity, we are embarking on a multi-platform ministry that will
Download a printable program for REBOOT 2020 Come to a Post-Concert Event at ID: 919 0607 6141 Come to a Post-Concert Event at