Who was the lucky recipient this year?
Our Cash in the Plate offering for the month of August will go to the Black Mamas Matter Alliance. They are a national 501c3 that has been working on improving reproductive health and outcomes for people of color for over five years and has a presence in Massachusetts. They provide direct care and are focused on reducing the inequities that we know exist for communities of color. Like Planned Parenthood, they address all aspects of reproductive health. Since the Dobbs decision, they have been talking more directly about abortion care than previously. You can support this organization by writing a check to FUUSM
We are pleased to announce that Rev. Peter Connolly will be joining us on September 1 as our full-time interim minister. Rev. Connolly was a ministry intern with our Congregation back in the mid 2000’s, so he has history with us. He served a UU Congregation in Bowling Green, Kentucky, for eight years as settled minister. He expresses fondness for the time he spent with our Congregation as he prepared for a career in ministry.
Summer is almost here. As my ministry with you approaches its close, I am grateful that our plans for the coming year are beginning to fall into place. As you know, due to a clergy shortage, we were one of twenty Unitarian Universalist congregations in the U.S. that were not matched with an Interim Minister. Luckily, we have some talented ministers in our area who have had considerable experience offering part-time ministries to congregations like ours. In addition, we have dedicated staff and volunteer leaders who are ready to help with everything we need going forward while we prepare for our next ministries.
July and August mark a shift into “Summer Slowdown” where we let go of weekly choir rehearsals and music participation in Sunday services. This is a time to cut back on planning and practicing, to try out new music with no set agenda, to explore without a schedule. The usual hustle and bustle give way to longer and warmer days with sunshine, gardens, and diversion.
Thank you to everyone who made this year a success! I love being the Director of Religious Exploration, and I’m excited to announce that we rocked it this year!. I'm extremely grateful to everyone who contributed inside and outside the classroom. We were successful in having weekly Sunday School virtually, and by the end of the year we were able to consistently meet together in person. What will next year bring? We will see, but we are all optimistic that it will be mostly in person.
A celebration of Rev. Sarah Person’s Retirement
On Friday, December 14, 2012, our country was devastated by the Sandy Hook tragedy in Newtown. Two days later, this church held our Christmas Pageant with our precious children and with heavy hearts. On Tuesday, May 24, 2022, we were confronted yet again with the ravages of calculated rage.
There are just three worship services in June before we finish out the formal church year. Throughout this year, the Chalice Choir has been rehearsing on Tuesday evenings and singing for church services.
We are wrapping up our pilgrimage of faith. We have explored how Unitarian Universalist translates into life choices and every action. Our lessons will culminate at the youth service on June 12.