

May Music Musings

I sometimes think about the big questions, like “What’s it all about?” But most of the time I’m wondering about smaller questions, like “What music will we do this Sunday?”

Religious Exploration in May

In May, as we Explore Beyond Our Walls, we will have an Indian and a Thai folktale.  These will teach us about the golden rule making a difference in the world and about justice.

Registration Is Now Open for the 2023 Summer Signature Living Legacy Pilgrimage!

The 2023 Summer Signature Living Legacy Pilgrimage is the perfect opportunity for educators and others who can't get away during the school year to experience the incredible history of the Civil Rights Movement.

Reflections from the Movement with Dr. Steve Schwerner

If you missed our March webinar: Reflections from the Movement with Dr. Steve Schwerner, you can watch it here:

Report on Family Fun Day in Taunton

The LGBTQ+ Family Fun event at the Taunton UU Church on Saturday, April 22, co-sponsored by the South Coast LGBTQ+ Network, was a great success — fun and peaceful.  So much fun, I forgot to take pictures, sorry.  —Dody

Parlor Task Force Update

The Parlor Task Force met again on Monday, April 17.  We reviewed the completed work on tightening the metal rods across the sanctuary and the resizing of the altar in the Parlor. 

Spring Auction

We're heading into the final days of our Spring Auction.  Don't miss your chance to get in on the action! 

Spring Auction

Our Spring Auction is underway, and the bidding is off to a brisk start! We have a number of wonderful offerings from our very generous donors, including various events, services, and goods.

One Last Open Position in June

Are you available to be the Coffee Hour Host on Sunday, June 18? This is the last Sunday of our church year. We believe that participation in a Sunday morning worship service will help us build community and work together to meet our individual and Society goals.  Please sign up HERE or use the sign-up sheet on the Parlor table.  Thank you.

The Elsie Gaudette Award

The Elsie Gaudette Award can be given this spring (the SECOND Sunday in June) to a person who exemplifies the service and dedication to this church that Elsie did for many years. The Elsie Gaudette Award Committee will be meeting to review the nominations.